Success Story

Kiarah Gamble

Growing up, Kiarah Gamble always had confidence in the work of her hands. From a young age, she was in charge of breaking up concrete or patching up drywall with her dad’s home renovation business. But it took a few nudges from both her uncle and boyfriend before Kiarah seriously considered pursuing her own career in a trade like construction.

It seemed everywhere Kiarah looked for a job she wanted, she only found opportunities that required previous experience or certifications she couldn’t afford. Then an advisor at WorkOne in Gary told Kiarah about BY Training. And the next course was starting that day!

The structure of BY Training helped Kiarah learn from day one in the program. Sometimes she even brought her youngest child to class, and she switched to working night shifts to guarantee she always showed up on time and could complete the class work assigned to her.

The BY Training classes helped Kiarah reorient her brain to learn a new trade. She always felt her instructors were upfront with her, which made class time with them easy and enjoyable. She credits her BY Training teachers for her current success as a student in the welding program at Prairie State College. But the greatest gift Kiarah feels she received from BY Training was a resume that still gets complimented on to this day.

Thanks to the BY Training program, Kiarah has been working since February 2023 for the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT). So far, every day on the job has been a different adventure, and she appreciates how INDOT is giving her the experience and licensure she needs for real career growth.

There’s no question Kiarah will succeed wherever she goes next. And thanks to BY Training, she now knows the road she needs to walk to get to the future she wants.

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