Success Story

Jovan Jones comes from a long line of steel mill crane operators. Three generations of men in his family before him have worked at steel mills, and Jovan has grown up watching both his grandfather and father working as crane operators.
But it wasn’t until Jovan completed the BY Training program in Gary that he thought of joining this family legacy himself. Before hearing about BY Training, Jovan had completed household construction projects, a little drywall and paint. In his spare time, he served as an organist for his church and relived his favorite basketball games on YouTube. Then he saw the program advertised one day at his work, and he decided he might as well give it a try.
It was the BY Training program that helped Jovan dig deep into everything he already knew about the construction industry but wasn’t utilizing on a daily basis. During his time as a student in the program, he was reminded to believe in himself and that he could obtain a career that made him want to go to work every day.
And that’s exactly what Jovan has found, thanks to BY Training! Jovan no longer feels like he punches in and out of a job. Instead, he says, “I always try to come into work happy because this is something I want to do. I want to learn more about it every day, and that makes me excited.”
Since January 2023, Jovan has been working at Steel Technologies LLC in Portage, Indiana. He credits the BY Training program both for his success and the opportunity to be a role model to his two sons. He hopes one day, they too can find a profession that gives them as much joy as he’s found as a steel mill crane operator.