ICRF Leadership
The Indiana Construction Roundtable Foundation board of directors is made up of construction industry employers, educators, government, and community organizations.
ICRF Board of Directors
Gregg Jones, Messer Construction, Chair
Bart Doan, Indiana Department of Workforce Development, Vice Chair
Sarah Walker, Hagerman Construction, Treasurer
Erin Drake, Browning., Secretary
Bob Taylor, Indiana Association of Public Schools Superintendents, Past Chair
Carrie Lively, The Pursuit Institute
Chris Price – ICRF President, Ex-Officio Member
Hope Harp, Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters
Tim Eckert, Weber Concrete
Tonya Weaver, Garrett-Keyser-Butler CSD
Through working with individuals, we are impacting communities throughout the state of Indiana. Helping Hoosiers of all ages find their paths to success in the construction industry is our passion.
Matthew C. Nance
ICRF Leadership and Staff Team
Chris Price, President
Matthew Nance, Executive Director/Integrator
Vanessa Jimenez, Marketing Manager
Odessa Wieland, Marketing Coordinator
Meaghan Owens, Director of Adult Programs
Macoy Riley, Employment Navigator
Georgia Ferry, Partnerships Coordinator
Jesse Linville, BY Lead Instructor
Daniel Perryman, BY Navigator
Joel Babcock, BY Navigator
Tania Anderson, BY Navigator
Khaliah Griffin, BY Navigator
Madalyn Williams, K12 Coordinator
Tristen Pettigrew – Programs Administrator